Sunday, December 7, 2008

Almost there!!

Dated: Jan2007

Going home? .........
The most dreaded question ever encountered by an indian newbie at US schools..
wherein home is referred to,unconsiously , as a place where people go when they have no jobs.. and lol!! i am currently one of the pathetic lot ,who does not have a part time job to run across ,right after class,pretending to not even have time to pull over your half drawn sweater over your shoulders or stop to say a friendly "hi".

Typical sequence of conversation...

The first day you land.. Hope u had a good journey.. Were all your suitcases intact..Good Day......

First week..
..hmm.. Are you all settled now? Did u find a room mate yet?.. don worry u l just have to wait till classes start.. u'l find a job soon..

Second week.. 4 days after classes start..
..How are the classes going on?Did you email people asking for part time?

Third week..
Me.. : I have been spamming everyone royally.........
Folks(with jobs who had been through the cycle): Well.. make sure u don send our the same thing..Tailor your email and spam them..;)same technique..

Middle of Third week..(9 days after classes)..
Folks..: Did you find a job..
Me: not yet.. am still looking(LOOKING!!!!! thats a white lie!! a variant version of euphemism.. I have been screwing everyone s mail box ,regardless of their department or connection to what i am..ppl have been scared to check their e-mails for the fear of seeing my seemingly persuasive mail).
Folks..: Its ok.. keep going.. Times will get better..(more fundas like..)..Some one is always looking to hire.. you just need to find who..(snippets and phrases ideal to fit in a "life l get better" documentary)

End of third week..(13 days after classes start)..
I happened to leave class with one of the folks who had a job..and midway down the road..
She: Are you going home?? (with a "poor u" look and voice so full of pity that if i were blessed with one like that,i could have persuaded the dean to give up his job for me)
Me:Yeah.. well.. not exactly.. well going places.. and with my brain trying to pull out random department names from its folds,my mouth rattles out a filtered refined few and combines them into a sentence like this..
Actually,I am going to the medical center for an interview .and then have a meeting with a professor(non existent)..
She:Good luck....
Me: Thanks a ton..(half smiling)..

Whew!! what a relief...
then i run back home, take liberty of using my roomie's laptop and build a new list(probably 7th ) of people who could hire me....

and so on it goes.........................hoping someday in the near future, i will join the band of people who can rush to part time jobs and express pity to a new batch of newbies............

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